Oily Water Separator OWS-COM from RWO

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With more than 14,000 oily water separators installed among the world's largest commercial fleets, no company is trusted more than RWO for oil water separator solutions. The RWO oily water separator system type OWS-COM is fully certified for IMO MEPC. 107(49). The OWS-COM oil water separator delivers performance well below the 15ppm IMO discharge requirement through the use of two new technologies: Intelligent Discharge Technology and Fluorescence Detection Technology.

Intelligent Discharge Technology
RWO's advanced oil water separator discharge system continuously checks the water quality from the 1st stage coalescer and if it’s within mandated limits, the 2nd stage emulsion filter is bypassed. This distinctive MEPC 107(49) certified feature considerably extends the lifecycle of the 2nd stage filters, which minimizes time and costs. The RWO Oily Water Separator is the only device in the marine market certified with this bypass feature. With no moving parts and thoughtfully engineered materials, the OWS-COM will provide superior performance far outlasting the expected life of the ship. An automated and periodic backflushing cycle keeps the coalescer surface clean and ensures long term operation with minimal intervention or maintenance.

Fluorescence Detection Technology
The OWS-COM oil water separator comes equipped with the TD-107 Fluorescence Oil Content Monitor (read more at TD-107 Oil Content Monitor). Fluorescence detection is immune to interferences from turbid or dirty water that impact light scatter devices. Consequently, the Oily Water Separator is not ‘fooled’ into staying in recirculation mode by false positives caused by silt and other solids, and the ship can actually pump their oily waste holding tanks down to acceptable levels. The TD-107 Oil Content Monitor Features self-compensating electronics that corrects for fouling of the sample cell, along with a Cell Condition Monitor to alert crew when cleaning is required. The TD-107 Oil Content Monitor includes standard alarm relays and 4- 20mA output for remote monitoring, as well as a user-friendly USB data port for review of recorded OCM data.